Thursday, February 22, 2007

I Am Me

I am the girl who will reach for the stars, the girl who will never give up.

I am the girl that listens while others complain, and talks when they won't speak up.

I am the girl who sits and waits, the one who will always be there.

I am the girl that stands out in a crowd, whose bright personality shines through.

I am the girl that knows right from wrong, the girl who will never deceive you.

I am the girl that will never regret, never dwell upon the past.

I am the girl who will fight for what is right, even if I stand alone.

I am the girl who will reach out to those in need, the one who is not afraid.

I am me.


will said...

this is a poem
a complex poem that i did not finish reading,
reminds me of the book i read
it was a huge poem
called hard hit
it was weird
didnt really explain to much
maybe ishould have read it slower i finished it in like 20 min
its only a 167 pages s or something like that
oh yeah guess whatyour music makes me want to chop up my ears and mail them to every country in the would so i wouldnt ever have to hear it ever again
yeah i ont like it to much
ok well im done

Herena said...

Hi Chelsea! I love the first song on your playlist. x3

"I am the girl who sits and waits, the one who will always be there."

This is my favorte line. Thanks for always being there. ^^

Herena said...

... Er, sorry, wrong Chelsea.