Monday, May 7, 2007

A Midsummer Night's Dream: Act One Scene One/ Act One Scene Two

In English Class, we were asked to translate and summarize Act One Scene One and Act One Scene Two of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Act One Scene One:
Act One Scene One is chock-full of exciting chaos. At the start, Theseus is pleasantly daydreaming about his future marriage to Hippolyta. Soon after, Eugeus storms in and interrupts Theseus; Hermia, Lysander and Demetrius follow behind him. Eugeus is flustered and frustrated about his daughter. Hermia is in love with Lysander, but her father wants her to wed Demetrius. Both Demetrius and Lysander start to argue for Hermia's love. Still distraught, Eugeus asks for Theseus's advice on the matter. He soon decides that Hermia must marry Demetrius. If Hermia refuses, she will be forced to live her life as a nun or be put to death. Still clouded by thoughts of his wedding, Theseus asks Demetrius and Eugeus to exit the room and discuss the issue. After this, Hermia and Lysander are left alone in the room.

While alone in the room, Hermia and Lysander profess their love for each other. Thoughts of separation leave their hearts shattered. However, all is not lost. Both lovers sneakily plot a daring plan. They will run away together and marry where the laws of Athens are not in effect. This way, Hermia will not be subjected to punishment. Just as the couple finish planning their undercover marriage, Helena walks into the room. Out of sheer excitement, Hermia and Lysander share their plan with Helena and exit the room together. Raging with jealousy about Demetrius's love for Hermia, Helena decides that she will share Lysander and Hermia's plan with Demetrius. Helena then smirks at the thought of her conniving nature and leaves the room.

Act One Scene Two:
A group of actors come together to discuss the play that is to be performed at Theseus's wedding. Quince,the carpenter, addresses each actor and distributes each character part. Bottom, the weaver, takes control of the situation and begins to boss Quince around. He instructs Quince to quickly hand out each role. Bottom is given the part of Pyramus. Pyramus is Thisbe's lover. Flute is assigned the part of Thisbe, Starveling the part of Thisbe's mother, Snout is the father of Pyramus, and Snug is assigned the lion's part. At this point, Bottom begins to boast about his talents as an actor. He requests that each part be his. Quince then denies Bottom of any part except the role of Pyramus. In the end, all of the actors come together once again to discuss times to rehearse. Following this, everyone exits the room.

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